Dickens called his novel David Copperfield his “favourite child”. It was his most personal novel and reflected his own younger years. The book explores powerful and profound themes such as the influence of a troubled childhood on our adult lives and the pain caused by families torn between love and hate. And because Dickens was always concerned with the wider world, the book examines the conflict between the modern city and the countryside, and even the contrasting worlds dominated by land and sea.
This masterpiece reveals Dickens as the first truly modern author, the first writer to explore the industrial world. Through extraordinary use of character, comedy and pathos as well virtuoso story-telling Dickens maps out the break down of traditional society in the face of modern life.
TNT first dramatised DAVID COPERFIELD over ten years ago. This new production will build on the international success of the original version, but expand and deepen the project with new scenes and music. Comedy, tragedy, melodrama, romance and music will combine to create a rich theatrical feast to reflect the diversity and depth of Dickens original.
We will not attempt to stage the whole of this long novel, but chose to concentrate on David himself, his tortured family, the fishing folk who adopt him and the devilish charmer Steerforth. The play shifts between the rural seaside idyll of Yarmouth and the dark forbidding megapolis of London – a darkness that Steerforth takes back to Yarmouth with terrifying consequences. ť (Paul Stebbings)
bilety: 24 zł
Chorzów – najstarsze demograficznie miasto wojewódzwtwa śląskiego; miasto na prawach powiatu położone na Wyżynie Śląskiej na obszarze Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego. W przeszłości jego gospodarka związana była ściśle z przemysłem węglowym i hutniczym, obecnie - w związku z zamknięciem wielu kopalni i ograniczeniem zakresu działania hut stali, te filary przemysłu nie odgrywają już wiodącej roli w gospodarce miasta. |
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